Blockbuster kennel. Staffordshire bull Terrier kennel. Our news

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Blockbuster kennel

djУ нас есть щенки!

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We are expecting puppies in July-August 2018 out of 







Pupies were born on January 2018

GLENMAR'S ORANGE FANTASY  X Thrashers One Eyed Willie (Florida, US)

1 boy & 1 girl - all puppies reserved


BLOCKBASTER DICTUM FACTUM  X Brave Spirit Maffin (St.Petersburg, Russia)

5 girls  - all puppies reserved



 December 12, 2016 2 red males and 1 red&white female were born!

Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA


Auricstaff Prestige & Gambling Charm Yamba Another Fashion

Irma Redg





22.01.2010 3 puppies were born - 1 males and 2 females!



14.10.2009 Our site has moved to


12.10.2009 New photos were added to the Album


07.10.2008 3 puppies were born in STAFF KOMAS kennel!!!

two grandsons and one grand daughter :)

All info about puppies look at web site STAFF KOMAS!!!

05.10.2008 At the CAC show in St.-Petersburg (Borisova, Belorusia),
Skoda got a CAC, BOB Staffordshire Bull Terrier


27.05.2007 Honda became Best Female (BOS) and Club Champion
at the National Staffordshire Bull Terrier Specialty !

(Expert Clare Lee, Constones kennel, UK)

bos&clare lee



21.04.2007 At the CACIB show in St.-Petersburg (Dorota Witkowska, Poland),
my Skoda got a R.CACIB!
and Honda's son Blockbaster Arbalet got CAC!


12.04.2007 GOOD NEWS!

Blockbaster Born To Be Alive - HC - clear, L2HGA - clear!

BlockBaster Astrella Fortunata - HC - clear, L2HGA - clear!
hips - A/A, knees, elbows, eyes - normal/clear!



20 January 2007 Three shows took place in St.-Petersburg.
At an CAC show, SKODA got a
Junior CAC and became BOB Junior
(judge - K. Burtimova).

She also became Russian Terrier Union Junior Winner at a Terrier specialty (judge - Karin Bergbom, Finland)
and BOB Junior at at Regional Staffordshire Bull Terrier Specialty (judge - Sonia Pogani, Italy)




12 January 2007 Photos of puppies (15 days)


28.12.2006 - 7 puppies were born - 4 males and 3 females!!!

25 June 2006 At the RUSSIAN STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERS SHOW in St. Petersburg, Aventure Blockbaster De La Vauxoise got "excellent", and Blockbaster Arbalet was 2-nd in juniors class (8 male)!!!











22.10.2006 Skoda got the tittle of YOUNG RUSSIAN CHAMPION!


22.10.2006 Skoda got her third J.CAC!


7.10.2006 Skoda got 2xJ.CAC!


22.09.2006 Skoda is CLEAR BY BIRTH L2Hga and HC!!!
(№ 2318 Upsilon Umballa de Miss Daisy and № 2317 Virus Evolution of Process de la Vauxoise)


25 June 2006 At the White Nights CACIB show in St. Petersburg, Skoda became BOB Puppy, and Honda got a R.CACIB


10 June 2006 At the Euro Dog Show, Honda got an excellent with a wonderful critique, and became Class Winner as she was the only one in the class. In competition, she got a R.CAC!




24 February 2006 - I am happy to introduce a new member of my family - a charming Staffie girl with a very interesting pedigree, who has just come from France.
Many thanks to kennel De La Vauxoise and its owner Brigitte for trusting the only female in the litter to me!
Please see the page of my dogs for all official information.

All Honda's puppies have moved to their new homes!!! Please see the puppies page to learn about their lives :)

Our Naf & Zwezda went to their new homes!!!
Now they live in Finland! Naf is owned and loved by Anneli Loukianen
Zwezda's new owners are Matilda Korhonen, Mikko Hyle

On 31 October 6 puppies were born - 3 males and 3 females!!!


30 August - 2 September
Anna Avstriyskaya was bred to Ideal Staff Fransimo Bohemia!!!


16 April 2005 two very important wins took place: Honda became Russian Staffie Club Champion and Russian Terrier Club Champion!


28 January 2005 Honda and I won the National Club's photo competition


28 December 2005 Honda got her third CACIB.


12 December 2004 Honda got her second CACIB.


28 November 2004 Honda got the last CAC
needed to complete the Russian Champion title.

26 November 2004 Shows page was added.

14 November 2004 Honda became Belarussian Champion, CACIB & BOB
at an International show in Minsk, Belarus.


29 August 2004 Honda got her first CACIB.